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Name: Sumaiya
Date of Birth: 23 June
Residing in Singapore
Goes to school
Leaves school
Heads home
Cooped-up in the bedroom
Nose pressed into a book
If not, then its the computer
A bookworm...maybe
Well you should get the idea.

50 Q & A about Sumaiya here

Cyber Profiles:

Sumaiya's blogger profile

Sumaiya's friendster profile

Sumaiya @ Technorati

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Layout and Coding: ©Maixa 2008

Thanks To:

Christina Aguilera
Head Automatica
Michael Jackson

No Ripping. No Hotlinking. Do and Die.

Aliens Landed

My counter brokedown :(
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Another one..
posted by SpaceCadet 2011-11-13  13:24

Been another long while. As usual.

I find myself having nothing to express lately. Even my twitter timeline is jumping between days, weeks and months since the last tweet.

Seems like as I grow older, the less I am affected by outside influence. In which I realise have somewhat negatively affected certain areas of my life. Alright maybe not somewhat..

It is like the expected fall when you have reached that high place. But as of now, I find it hard to start scaling back up.

This post is getting rather depressing.. Ah let's end it here just like this.

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Just A Man And His Will To Survive
posted by SpaceCadet 2011-05-17  02:52

And I thought the tagboard on my blog was resistant to spammers. Alas I was wrong. It seems that the reason for this occurence is due to my sudden recent updates. Which make me think that spams is bound to happen if a blog is recently updated.

Spammers stay far away from dead blogs.

Now to rectify this problem, I have to a) remove that tagboard or b) let this blog die. However, this is a no brainer. I shall just delete that tagboard and if people want to comment or leave a message they can just click on 'comment'.

Ah.. other than spammers, I have a problem with a certain hobby of mine. Really I thought I had seen the last of that hobby months ago. But it is not meant to be. I saw a single update and POOF! there you go seeing Sumaiya jumping for joy and goes madly to download. This is bad. I have been corrupted beyond redemption. Talking about redemption, Hell yea, Boston Rob won SURVIVOR: Redemption Island (:

Anyway, I think I would just indulge in a video or two. It would not hurt anyone right?

Does this hobby of mine constitute under fandom? Uhh in a very round-about way probably and if you dodge all those blocks and censorship and ratings. Oh I'll just throw in that fandom label for fun's sake.

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Abuse? What abuse?
posted by SpaceCadet 2011-04-14  00:11

What is the point of asking for help when all it does is making you feel worse?

What is the point of seeking help from someone who shares you blood if all they do is trod on your woes?

Why do they never give encouragement?

Why can't they see that support is all that is needed?

1, 2, 3,.. every single one whipping sarcasm at every tick.

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RSS Feed
posted by SpaceCadet 2011-03-19  03:54

RSS feed only works for blogger to livejournal direction. It  is not bidirectional ):
Why, Hello!
posted by SpaceCadet   02:33

Another few months has passed until I suddenly remembered I still have a blog in Blogger. Which is why you are seeing an update.

To Daniella (if you ever come back to this blog),
I thank you for the complement. ^-^ I almost did not not see your tag. I must admit to being curious as to the hows of you stumbling upon my humble blog. Other than that, I do wonder what comes up in your research on my person! (:  
P/S: You can head on over to my LJ where I am decidedly more active with the updates. Maybe I could find out more about you too.

Now I was just over at LJ, doing an update when it occured to me to do an archive of all my cyber profiles - sort of like the links you see in the sidebar. Anyway, during the dry spell of updates, I realised that I spend a huge portion of my time googling!

Google is evil I tell you. It makes you google one thing after another. Anyway what I wanted to say was that while googling, I finally understood what RSS actually is. I sure as hell took a long time to figure out what exactly is RSS. It is simple really this RSS, which makes me doubt my intelligence. However let's get back to the point I am still getting to which is, "How do I get my LJ RSS into my blog over at blogger?".

Really this is a simple solution for keeping two blogs. Since I can;t bear to let either go, RSS is the way to go! (It rhymes) Problem now though, I can't quite figure out where the link goes.

Ah, I'll figure it out somehow..

//Edit: Oh, I missed today's telecast of Survivor Redemption Island!

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Temporary Landing on Earth
posted by SpaceCadet 2010-10-18  23:17

Gosh, how long has it been since the last update? A whole year!

So much has occured since then.

Right now I believe my style of thinking has changed so much that you'd think that its a different person posting altogether! I can't believe some of the shit I've wrote then again at that point of my life I have been a rather innocently naive brat. At that point I thought that cussing was cool when speaking but not when writing. Now, I refrain from cussing verbally but if you were to enter my thoughts you'd hear them left right up and down.

But let's move on. Just so you and me are on the same page, I have graduated from Ngee Ann - pronounce that as Nee~Aa~n - Polytechnic with a Diploma in Biomedical Engineering. Shit I could work now alas I chose not to. Thus I'm still stuck as a student for another 4 years.

Crap my mental capability has regress to that of a 4 year-old. On a side note I guess I'll let you know that I have been keeping a livejournal account on the sly. So if you want to check out what I have been doing when this blog died a while back go check it out. I'll leave a link at the end of this post. Or maybe you could find a link at the sidebar when I have a mind to include it or whenever I decide to do a whole re-vamp on this blog.

I kind of hate the thought of letting this blog go. I want to keep all the posts I have and at the same time I want to keep a livejournal account. But what is the use of having two online blog/journal when one is more than enough. Shit it is not like I lead a double life.

Hmm.. we'll see how this pans out. Oh and I have a twitter account. Don't talk to me about facebook. I'll create one when I decide I want it.

Here be the Livejournal Link: http://maixa.livejournal.com/


This! History! Moment!
posted by SpaceCadet 2009-12-10  23:31

GDA 2009

'SORRY, SORRY (Remix)' performance was AWESOME!

It definitely showed why even after 4years, they are still top of the industry.

It was classy, full of energy and definitely left the audience wanting for more.

Winning 3 awards:
  • Disk Bonsang (Song of the Year) Award
  • Samsung YEPP Popularity Award
  • Disk Daesang (Artist of the Year) Award

Making them the biggest winner of the night! Congratulations.

Lets hope for a better and successful future.

SJ Hwaiting!

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Dear Winson
posted by SpaceCadet 2009-11-23  00:04

I hope this finds you in good health whenever you might be reading this that is.

You know life have been kind of a drag these days. I guess it shows in my recent posts.

I have been thinking,( really I have you would never imagine how much), maybe making you as the subject would prove to make a much more interesting post.

Alas I always come to a blank and as you can see this post has started becoming, let's say this in true Winson fashion, "boringggg"

Well how about this, I shall describe you using three adjectives and maybe you can do the same..

Creative, uhh its an adjective I swear, chinese.


p/s: I do not know which particular SJ member you prefer, so I will just post a DH one. You should like him, you really should

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Kind of pointless to require one..
posted by SpaceCadet 2009-11-15  11:52

It is all kind of pointless..

Why do we even care or bother for that matter?

You ask questions to pacify never dying curiosity or just asking for the sake of asking because you think it is your right. So you feel that you need to take that liberty and ask just to put the unknowing person in a spot. Why bother?

You gain nothing even if you knew. Again why bother?

You put on that concerned interested look for all that you are worth. Simply put people do not care. Since it is just a very well played musical..

vista <7 FTW (^-^)

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Why going to MSN is last on the priority list
posted by SpaceCadet 2009-11-11  20:12

There are thousand and one things to do online.
To list a few

E-mail, Livejournal..

SJ, Korean Wave..

Japanese Entertainment Scene, JDorama, Anime..


Besides, for the past years, the list have increased to include..





Fan Fiction..

Web Comics..

Original Fiction..

Goodbye Live Messenger..


one five one zero two zero zero nine
posted by SpaceCadet 2009-10-15  19:01

Finally the Fifteenth is back.

Not even the fact that he is a relative stranger can dampen the mood.

Yes crazy that is what they all say, but who cares.

It is the FIFTEENTH!

A little background info - Fifteen October.
Well.. bet you that that did not in anyway clue you into what is up with Fifteen much less Fifteen October.
To start off..

You are officially a year older.
(Yes, I am aware of how overly used that sentence is but then again, Who Cares?)

Moving on..


Fishy? An adorable Fishy you definitely are.
(This is so corny!)

Right, let's stay away from corniness till next Fifteen October.. (ㅡ┏)

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